CM Template
Suicide Prevention: S.A.V.E. Training - Lunch and Learn
Suicide is a growing concern. Do you know the signs and what to do to help?
Join us for a Lunch and Learn about Suicide Prevention. This VA S.A.V.E.* Training can help you act with compassion and care if you come across, or know someone who is in crisis, or having thoughts of suicide.
The training, presented by Ande Shomo with the VA Eastern Colorado Healthcare System Suicide Prevention Program, originally designed as a Veteran suicide prevention program, is an important tool for our community at large, and is being offered to Chamber members.
A light lunch will be provided.
S - know the signs that indicate the possibility of suicide
A - ask the most important question - are you thinking of killing yourself?
V - validate their experience
E - encourage treatment and expedite getting help

Date and Time
Thursday May 9, 2024
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM MDT
11:30 am - 1 pm
a light lunch will be provided.
This will not be offered remotely
Aurora Chamber of Commerce
14305 E Alameda Ave, Ste 300
Aurora, CO 80012
No charge for Chamber members