October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month!
Did you know that half of all companies are unprepared for phishing, ransomware, and insider threats? Discuss cybersecurity myths and solutions with Devin Sardelli from Silicon Plains. Located in Lone Tree, Silicon Plains offers training and software solutions to prevent and protect businesses from attacks.
There will be an opportunity for networking at the end and light snacks will be served.
Please RSVP to RMcCormick@arapahoegov.com by Friday, October 6th.
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Arapahoe Boardroom
6954 W. Lima Street
Centennial, CO80112
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610 S. Abilene Street, Ste B, Aurora, CO 80012 – (303) 344-1500 – info@aurorachamber.org