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2023 - Chamber Holiday Party
Please join us for the Aurora Chamber of Commerce's Annual Holiday Party!
Your event ticket will include 2 complementary holiday beverages provided by the Marriott. Additional beverages available at a cash bar.
QV Media & Photography

Event Sponsor:
Denver Airport Marriott Gateway Park

We look forward to seeing you there!
Date and Time
Thursday Dec 7, 2023
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM MST
Denver Airport Marriott at Gateway Park
16455 E. 40th Circle
Aurora CO, 80011
Individual Tickets: $40;
If you bring an unwrapped toy to support Toys for Tots, your individual ticket price will be $30.
Registration will be closed the day of the event at 12pm. We will be collecting payment at the event so please come even if you haven't registered!
Service members in military uniform are FREE
*Please email Sophia Bibbey for free registration
Contact Information
Sophie Bibbey
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